The Student
The Professional
The Socialite
The Entrepreneur
The Student
The Professional
The Socialite
The Entrepreneur
Starting at $379
This is the session for a student applying for internships, jobs or needing an updated headshot for their professional profile. Perfect for someone on a budget that still wants high quality images that showcase their best attributes.
25min Photo Shoot
1 Location of your Choice
1 Outfit
5 Professionally Edited Digital Images of your Choice
Private Online Gallery for 1mo.
Optional Full Gallery Discounts
The Student
The Professional
The Socialite
The Entrepreneur
Starting at 479
This session is a swing off the student package with more time and is specifically made for the professional that wants a variety of images to choose from for their application, or possibly needs updated images for their website or social media profiles. Comes equipped with a pre-session strategizing phone call or email.
1hr Photo Shoot
1 Location of your Choice
10 Professionally Edited Digital Images of your Choice
Private Online Gallery for 1mo.
Optional Full Gallery Discounts
Pre-Shoot Strategizing Phone or Email Consultation
The Student
The Professional
The Socialite
The Entrepreneur
starting at $429
Have a variety of wants and needs but maybe they change on the regular? Constantly need updated images for your website or social media but don’t have the time to deal with taking them yourself, and you want a consistent professional feel? This is a subscription session. Available in 3, 6, 9 & 12mo intervals & can be hand crafted to your business needs. 3month: $400/mo, 6month: $379/mo, 9month: $349/mo, 12month: $339/mo
45min shoot per month
1 Location per month
2 Outfit Changes
10 Professionally Edited Digital Images of your Choice
Private Online Gallery kept up for the Duration of your Contract
Optional Full Gallery Discounts
Pre-Shoot Strategizing Phone or Email Consultation
The Student
The Professional
The Socialite
The Entrepreneur
Starting at $759
Own your own business and have a variety of wishes and needs? This is the session for you. This is perfect for capturing your business at every angle. Headshots for your about me page, stock images to show off your products, business front imagery to show where you pour your blood, sweat and tears into and lifestyle portraiture to show you in action. This is also the perfect session to use if you are rebranding, I got you covered! Comes equipped with a pre-session strategizing phone call or email.
2-3hr Session (can be split into two sessions if needed)
1-2 Locations of Your Choice
15 Professionally Edited Headshots
30 Professionally Taken Stock Images
5 Professional Business Front Images
5 Environmental Lifestyle Portraits
Personalized Advertisement Post on my Business Page
Private Online Gallery for 2mo & Optional USB
Pre-Shoot Strategizing Phone or Email Consultation